Englische Gedichte – Why?


Why not ?

Why should I ?

Why shouldn’t I ?

Can I make it Stop? –

I know I can but will it bring me anything? –

Nobody will ever know,

but one thing is for sure it will make someone happy –

but on the other hand it will make a lot more sad.

That’s the problem with human beings

they can’t let go they don’t understand ,

I don’t understand and I don’t think anyone ever will.

Is there anything to understand, –

or do we just think there is always more to understand? –

Do we even think for ourselves? –

or is someone leading our mind

and controlling your body ? –

If yes, why don’t we know? –

Why don’t we feel ?

Do we really feel or is it just our imagination?

Who knows?-

Will ever anyone know?

Why not?

Why shouldn’t we?

Why should we?

Nobody, really nobody will ever know!?

Will they?

Will I?

Shannon Norget, Düsseldorf, Cecilien-Gymnasium