Fußball – Ein Japaner auf Schalke

Taira Tomita, 16 Jahre alt, geht auf die Internationale Schule in Düsseldorf. Er wurde in Japan als Fußballspieler gescoutet und spielt jetzt in der Jugend von Schalke 04. Seine Familie und er lieβen ihr Leben in Japan zurück und zogen nach Düsseldorf, um ihrem Sohn bei Schalke 04 die Möglichkeit zu geben, eines Tages Profi-Fuβballer zu werden.

Nicholas: What age did you start to play soccer? Did your parents see your talent at an early age?

Taira: When I was 6 years old, I started to play soccer with my brother. My parents saw my early talent and always supported me at games and practices.

Nicholas: Did your parents always stand behind you and did they also hope you would become a professional soccer player?

Taira: Yes, my parents always hoped that one day I would become a professional soccer player. And for them I am already there.

Nicholas: Where did you play before you went to Schalke 04?

Taira: I played in Kyoto Sanga FC in one of the junior teams.

Nicholas: Have you been excited when you heard that Schalke 04 wants you to play for them or did you want to stay in Japan?

Taira: After a test, the Schalke coach called me and asked Do you want to play for us?` I answered `Yes of course.‘

I was very surprised and happy to play in the Schalke 04 youth team. I did not want to stay in Japan, because I wanted to live in a different community than the Japanese one. The German one is very different and I really enjoy to learn new things every day.

Nicholas: How often do you have training and how far do you have to drive to training and back?

Taira: I have training five days a week and have to drive by car 40 minutes from my house to the training facilities.

Nicholas: Did you already have training or did you already talk with a player from Schalke 04?

Taira: Yes, I talked with Uchida, a Japanese professional soccer player who plays for the first team of Schalke 04, and I hope to train with the first team in future.

Nicholas: Do you rather play for Schalke 04 or for your old soccer team?

Taira: Schalke 04, because there are many different cultures that play for Schalke. I didn’t think that there would be as many Japanese players on my new team, but it helps me to continue to speak Japanese, so I don’t forget the language.

Nicholas: Are you hoping to have a soccer carrier at Schalke 04 or at a different soccer team?

Taira: In my future I would like to play at a Spanish club, but right now my goal is to play for the 1st Schalke 04 team. Maybe even play with Shinji Kagawa, my favorite soccer player. Now I can concentrate fully on my future at Schalke 04.

Nicholas: How do you like the International School and Dusseldorf?

Taira: There are a lot of people who come from different countries. I have made a lot of friends from different countries and cultures. The city is very beautiful and it has a very large Japanese community which is a appeal for me to live here.

Nicholas: Thank you very much for your time and good luck – „Glückauf” with Schalke 04.

Das Interview wurde von Nicholas Scherer auf English geführt.

Nicholas Scherer, Düsseldorf, International School Of Düsseldorf